Swedish work culture
Swedish at work
Communication exercises
Linguistic and cultural competence
This material is designed for students who are about to start working in Sweden, as well as those who are already working in Sweden, but have not yet started using Swedish on the job. This book contains texts and exercises focused on the linguistic and cultural competence necessary for a career in Sweden.
The level is B1 and over, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and equivalent to level D in the Swedish for immigrants course.
The book includes integrated exercises that train both understanding and reading, writing, and speaking skills.
The many oral exercises give students the tools to use Swedish independently, and the book contains tips and practice suggestions for situations in which good speaking skills are necessary. Writing exercises are adapted to writing tasks that are common in a professional setting.
Listening exercises, as well as the texts in the book, are all recorded in Swedish spoken with natural speed and intonation. In order to facilitate independent learning, students are provided with mp3 files where all tests and exercises are recorded. A small grammar provides an overview of the necessary grammar. An answer key can also be found at the back of the book.
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Rivstart Yrkesliv
Rivstart Yrkesliv är ett läromedel speciellt skriven för dig som vill lära dig fungerande svenska på jobbet! Med Rivstarts tydliga struktur och varierade övningar lär sig dina elever svenska snabbare. Passar för Sfi studieväg 3/ Nybörjare med studievana/ Svenska som främmande språk (A1–C1)/ Sva grundvux/ Sva 1-3 på gymnasiet och vuxenutbildningen.